Act Boldly. Be Honest. Activate. Extend Grace. Repeat.


Our Mission

Root’D is a diversity, inclusion and belonging consulting and public relations firm. Root’D is the leader in addressing the ever-evolving needs of companies, organizations and communities. Our mission is to tackle societal complexities that arise with grace, expertise, and confidence. We are rooted in the values of increasing diversity, equity and inclusion to strengthen companies, foster partnerships and change the world.


Our Vision

Our vision is to become the most sought-after consulting and public relations firm. We excel in strategy development, cultural communications, stakeholder engagement and more. We root our solutions in the celebration of race, equity, diversity and inclusion. We strive to ensure that all members of society can see themselves reflected within the companies and organizations they admire.


Our Services

We are a firm that roots messages, storytelling and marketing in diversity and inclusion values. We provide advisement, consultation and retainer services for companies that seek to extend their brand and influence on customers from all cultural backgrounds. We specialize in direct action campaigns and strategies to align intent and impact for each client and their customers.

Here's How We Work


Our People

Our Team is the heart of why we exist. We invite you to connect with us.


As this world grows more colorful, Root’D serves as a canvas for companies and communities to paint together.

— Halston C. Sleets Founder & CEO